Civil Law

Civil Law

MR LEGAL provides, through its professionals specialized in specific areas, extrajudicial assistance, defense and judicial representation before Italian civil jurisdictions, arbitrations, including international arbitrations, mediations and other alternative dispute resolution procedures, in the following matters: 

  • civil and contractual liability
  • non-contractual liability
  • procurement law and tax legislation
  • medical liability
  • liability actions
  • unfair competition
  • consumer law
  • product liability
  • real estate law, real rights and leases

The MR LEGAL Studio supports people and professionals


Our determination and tenacity are effective weapons made available to customers.

These constitute an additional hallmark of our professional team, in addition to our operational approach based on

  • Trasparency
  • Sharing
  • Strategy

We train, update and innovate for a qualitatively high result.

We work with passion to serve customers.

Let us help you!

We are at your service.

+39 06 9425568 Mon – Fri 09:00-19:00

Brochure Studio